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Google Analytics data is valuable, if you're looking at the right data. We can help you dig in!

Extracting useful data from Google Analytics (GA) can be daunting. Not to mention setting up GA in the first place. If you’ve had GA setup forever, or you’re trying to set it up for the first time, we can come alongside you and help you get the most from your site’s traffic data. You need to know what content is engaging, or what pages have the highest bounce rates, so you can make sound business decisions. Dashboards, goals, reports, etc. We’ll get you closer to the data you need.

Get Set Up

Wherever you are, we can be there. There are many elements of Google Analytics that need to be setup. We can set up accounts, implement tracking code snippets, data filters, goals, dashboards, etc. From beginning to advanced, we can get you set up to better analyze your site’s traffic data to improve your business.

Get Set Up
Data Collection - Google Analytics

Data Collection

Many companies set up analytics tracking then never take the time to really use the data to better their business. Collecting data is only good if you’re going to use that data. We’ll help make it as easy as possible for you to review valuable insights that Google Analytics provides. The data can be right at your fingertips.

Configure and Customize

What’s important to one business is not always important to another. Some things are universal, but we don’t assume that all information has the same value to all our customers. We dive in and learn what’s important, what your business goals are, and give you the opportunity to share business with us. Then, we work to make sure we provide you what you need. Also, we know that getting you the custom data you want is a moving target. What’s important now may not be next quarter. We’re nimble and shift priorities as fast as you need us to.

Configure and Customize - Google Analytics
Custom Reports and Dashboards

Custom Reports and Dashboards

So, we’ve got analytics setup and customized. Now we can setup reports to be emailed to you at the interval you like…daily, weekly, monthly, etc. We also can setup custom dashboards. You might want to look at a blog content analytics report or dashboard, and then have a separate view of paid traffic to monitor the effectiveness of you landing page. This is where the data comes to life!

Free Google Analytics Audit

We’re all about the FREE audit. Seriously, we’ll take a quick peek at your Google Analytics set up and let you know if, or how, we can help.  Contact X4Media Optimization today to get started.

Free Google Analytics Audit
The process all starts with a conversation.
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