We’re all busy and pulled in many directions. Product managers are too busy and marketers are focused on the design and programming component, often working with a number of internal and external sources to bring your website together on time and on budget. Getting your site content written can be elephant in the room nobody wants to talk about. We do…let’s talk!
The Purpose of Content
X4Media Optimization can help reduce stress by handling all of your website copywriting needs. Not only can we write your website copy, but we do it with a comprehensive understanding of search engine marketing and optimization. We also work with our clients to understand the audience, and what the purpose of the content is. Are we trying to guide a person towards a form fill, a purchase, or just provide them with an entertaining experience?

Write for Humans, AND Search Engines
Using writers that are not well-versed in the nuances of SEO can often mean rewrites and editing later that can jeopardize both budgets and timelines. Doing it right the first time is paramount! Doing it right means writing for your audience first, and then for Google, Bing, and other search engines. You can’t ignore the fact that Google needs to understand what your pages are about, but we always write for humans first.
Let’s Talk Content
Reach out today, whether your rewriting content for a new website, or you want to optimize the content that’s there, we can assist. If you just want us to review your content and provide SEO recommendations, take a look at our GapSEO service. We look forward to chatting with you!